Dropcam | Gear & Gear Review

I’m going to date myself here, and probably some of you (maybe even most of you reading this) may not have a clue what I’m referring to, but here I go anyways!  Remember the episode of Happy Days, where Richie Cunningham and Lori Beth got married?  It was not a traditional wedding as Richie was off to war (and the actor was no longer on the show!).  So the Fonz, (good ole Fonzie) was Richies proxie at the altar.  Lori Beth and Richie (through the Fonz on the telephone) said their vows and were married.  The Fonz relayed to Lori Beth and the guests what Richie was saying and eventually in the episode Richie and Lori Beth were officially married.

That was 1981, before the internet, before the iphone, before icloud, basically before anything that started with an “i”.   If Richie and Lori Beth had decided to get married in 2014 they would have just bought a Dropcam.   What is a dropcam?  Well, it’s just as it sounds.  It’s  a camera built into a small case and you just “drop” it wherever you want to start filming and streaming video.

Dropcam is a cloud-based Wi-Fi video monitoring service with free live streaming, two-way talk and remote viewing that makes it easy to stay connected with places, people and pets, no matter where you are.”  This picture from the Dropcam site, gives a snapshot of how exactly the dropcam works:




Taken right from the website, a brief explanation of what Dropcam is.  You walk into your living room and basically just “drop” the camera where you want, plug in, connect to wifi and PRESTO you are ready to being streaming your wedding live! This is a great little gadget to use on your wedding day.  Having fun in the bus and want to stream live to your friend in Edmonton who couldn’t make it, turn on the camera and record the fun.  Don’t want the world to see the fun you are having in the limo, no problem, only the people you invite to the stream can view it.  Want everyone in the world to be able to view your ceremony, not a problem again, make your live stream completely public so anyone can view.  So many options with the dropcam!!

What else is the dropcam good for? Pretty much anything you can think of!  When your wedding is over and you’ve moved on to other things, say like a baby,  just drop that camera in your living room and record your baby taking his or her first steps…Keep it streaming so the grandparents on the other side of the country, or the world, can watch, live as it happens.  Or maybe dad is on a business trip and wants to see how his baby is doing.  Just drop the cam and let him watch!    Want the dropcam to act as a baby monitor, just set it up in the nursery at night.  The dropcam has night vision!

So the next time you are getting married by proxy, a la Richie & Lori Beth OR just want to stream your wedding live for the world to see, invest in a dropcam.  You won’t  be sorry!

Stop by www.dropcam.com and have a look yourself and while you’re at it or follow their campain at #preppinforthebigday





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