Nancy & John – Downtown Toronto – Engagement Photography

Downtown Toronto, Engagement Photography, Toronto Wedding Photographer, International Destination Wedding Photography

When Nancy and John emailed and asked if they could bring their dog to their engagement photo shoot, my answer was a resounding YES! How sad was I when I showed up at the shoot and there was no dog 🙁 but don’t get me wrong, I was still happy to meet Nancy and John and capture them together as a couple before their wedding day.  But I love dogs, and from reading their questionnaire that I sent out to them, many of their answers included spending time with their dog.  Soooooo, well, I guess to every story there is a happy ending, but I’ll make you wait for it, trust me, it will be worth it!

Meet Nancy:

Meet John:

Meet the super hot couple of Nancy & John:

Downtown Toronto, Engagement Photography, Toronto Wedding Photographer


Well, after our stroll, Nancy & John pointed out their building to me, I asked them if their dog was there, they said yes and as the saying goes, “the rest is history”…

Meet the star of the show…COLA!! Seriously, can she be any cuter!!!!!????  If this picture doesn’t make you smile, then you’re truly frozen solid!

OH MY GOODNESS!  I can’t help but smile every time I see this picture! Soooo glad Cola graced us with her presence.  She stands, she walks on two legs, she howls.  She’s a hoot!

She even eats diamond if you let her! She really wanted to bite off Nancy’s engagement ring.  How fitting for an engagement shoot!

Nancy, John & Cola, Thank you so much for inviting me into your world for a few hours, and for introducing me to the cuteness that is Cola!

And don’t forget, leave Cola (and me!) some blog love (ie…Comments, just below! We appreciate it!!)

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