Friday the 13th…

Well, I asked a girlfriend to lunch today and she said “no”.  She’s not leaving the house because it’s Friday the 13th.  Ok, to each there own.  She’s super superstitious.  (Try saying that 10x fast, or even just 1x fast!)  Well, I went out and about and saw the world on Friday June 13th and to be quite honest…nothing different, unless you equate this date with one Party winning a majority vote.  I’m not one to talk politics but really that one isn’t the best news for Ontarians if you ask my opinion.  Well, having said my piece I did vote so I guess that entitles me to an opinion.

Tomorrow I am photographing Baby Albert who blessed the world with his presence last week.  For now, because every blog post needs a photo, I will leave you with a photo of his Momma!  She’s gorgeous and I can’t wait to meet Baby Albert.

Maternity Photography

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